Monthly Archives: April 2018

Every Gift Shop Needs a Marketing Plan

Wishes of Cudworth Morther's Day

Charlotte Biggs from the Card & Gift Network has a confession to make: She’s a big fan of marketing plans. And it’s not just because Charlotte likes making lists (although that helps). No, Charlotte “likes marketing plans because they save you time”.  Featuring 7 key points explaining why every gift shop needs a marketing plan, lets hand […]

Angry Algorithms – Should Our Shops Unfriend Facebook?

Wishes of Cudworth Facebook

This article was originally going to be about websites NOT Facebook. I’m currently giving the Wishes website a fresh lick of virtual paint whilst developing a new Cudworth Village website. However Mark Zuckerberg, couldn’t help but stick his nose in and spoil my best laid plans (Damn you Zuckerberg, shakes an angry fist in the […]